Not sure about getting data protection right for major gifts? This session will answer the sector’s most frequently asked questions.
This online event is free of charge but you will need to register to attend.
About the facilitator

The session will be led by Kerry Rock from Prospecting for Gold. To find out more, meet the team.
What will be covered?
Across the not-for-profit sector, many people are still asking questions about how to make sure they get their data protection right for their major gift fundraising and prospect research.
In this session, we will look at:
- Major gifts, prospect research and regulation
- The legal basis for your activities – how you can do prospect research and still comply with GDPR
- Legitimate Interest – what does it mean and how to demonstrate it
- Data Protection Impact Assessments – why, how and when
- Fair processing information – getting it right
- Using publicly accessible data sources
- Applying this to wealth screening, desk research, due diligence
- Data retention and minimisation
There will be plenty of time for questions and we hope you will join the discussion, sharing any experience and insight you have.