Our Wealth Intelligence Database
We’ve spent over 25 years building our Wealth Intelligence Database.
It contains publicly accessible historical and published data from major industry directories, online sources, newspapers and journals. Our research team update it every day.

Today it has information about over 270,000 high net worth and well-connected individuals based in the UK. These individuals are chief executives, directors and shareholders in business. They are leaders in sectors such as finance, medicine, architecture, law and technology. They are entrepreneurs and property developers. They work in politics, the media and the arts. They are sports personalities and lottery winners. They have inherited wealth. They are philanthropists, trustees and settlors of grant-making foundations and charities.
We categorise the people on our Wealth Intelligence Database by their interests. These include the environment, education, housing, health, disability, sport, heritage, children and young people, animal welfare, international development and social justice.
We also use our Million Pound Properties dataset to identify wealthy people. We have around one million records of properties that are valued at over £1 million and have recently changed hands, where we don’t currently have additional wealth information about the residents.
Talk to us
If you’d like an informal call to find out more about how our Wealth Intelligence Database can work for you, please get in touch.